Anybody use SharpStar 20032PNT 200mm superfast f/3.2? Fast Newtonians · Giancarlo Montico · ... · 1 · 134 · 0

Giank1957 0.00
Hi there!
I'm relatively a new user for this very fast newtonian by Sharpstar.
I wish to join with other users because this intrument is quite rare and the setup is not easy.
I hope to meet other users to exchange specific experiences, positive or negative, or issues/troubles using or setting up this newtonian.
Thank you in advance for any comment.
Clear Skyes everybody
jheppell 2.81
Giancarlo Montico:
Hi there!
I'm relatively a new user for this very fast newtonian by Sharpstar.
I wish to join with other users because this intrument is quite rare and the setup is not easy.
I hope to meet other users to exchange specific experiences, positive or negative, or issues/troubles using or setting up this newtonian.
Thank you in advance for any comment.
Clear Skyes everybody

Don't know anybody who owns that newt but can't see why it wouldn't be a great performer.
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