Canon R5, ASIair Mini compatibility problem? [Deep Sky] Acquisition techniques · messierman3000 · ... · 7 · 274 · 0

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What's going on?
3rd party cable problem?
Too many megapixels for the ASIair Mini?
R5 bit depth too high?
Defective ASIair Mini?
messierman3000 4.20

For the first time, I tried using my Canon R5 with my C8-N reflector on an AVX, with a Orion Deluxe Mini guidescope and asi120mm mini guide camera for guiding, all controlled by ASIair Mini.
Here's all the failures I had before I gave up:

(approximate order in which things happened)

1. The weird connection issue that has to do with turning off the cellular data before entering into the ASIair app.

2. I used a power station and I connected 2 12v adapters, one 3 amp one going to the mount, the other 5 amp one going to ASIair.
The ASIair app disconnected or something; I looked at the Nexstar HC and saw the display off; I found out the 3 amp adapter had a loose connection to the power station.

3. The ASIair wasn't detecting my R5 as a camera; I found out my R5 was not connected to the ASIair... I connected it with a USB-C to USB-C (EDIT, I MEANT USB-C TO USB-A) cable from Amazon.

4. I tried PA, mount facing north, but it was saying I had no connection to the mount (the cables were connected); I found out my mount was switched off (by myself probably)

5. 2 snails starting coming out of the bush to see the spectacle

6. I tried PA again, but it said I needed to do Polar or 3 Star Align for it to work. I assumed it meant the HC. (I was thinking that with the ASIair, all I needed to do was turn on the HC, but that was not the case; I had to enter all the info it needed and entered a random star alignment for it to work) The mount was finally connected.

7. Dew was forming at a fast rate all around the entire reflector

8. I tried PA again, it was supposedly taking a picture, but I could not hear the shutter of the R5 activating; I disconnected the power to the ASIair and reconnected, I tried taking ONE picture with the app (1 second I think), but the camera made a sound with the shutter TWO times and still didn't show me any photo on the ASIair. It showed the "exposure failure" error. I tried cRAW instead of RAW on the R5; I heard the correct shutter noises when I tried taking a photo, but no photo was loading anywhere.

9. Only like 2 or 3 times did the photo load onto the app, when it seemed like it was working with RAW, I tried PA again, but I found out my guide camera was deactivated in the app.

10. I checked everything and reconnected, everything was connected correctly, I tried PA one more time, it detected something like 65,000 stars, then it froze saying that it was trying to platesolve; I waited for a long time, nothing happened; I cancelled the PA, tried just a preview photo, didn't work, "exposure failure" error again, I gave up and decided to turn off the ASIair and mount and used the mount manually and took a few photos and video of the moon and jupiter.

The things that stopped me were the "exposure failure" error, not loading image, and ASIair not activating R5 shutter. One guy from Facebook had the same problem and he's saying that it's a buffer issue or something, because it worked for him when he used his R6 (20MP) instead of R5 (45MP). Why does ASIair Mini webpage say that the R5 is compatible if it doesn't work okay?

IDK if there is a fix to this; maybe I need to change to NINA? Or maybe the ASIair somehow knows I'm not using a ZWO cable for the R5?
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daveshow07 0.00
·  1 like
I had problems with a full frame canon eos R and an ASIAIR+ when I got started. I regularly got the exposure failure error and the exposures not transferring/loading into the ASIAIR+ issues. Tried several different cables - couldn't use the factory Canon cable cause it was USB-C to USB-C. Canon says the camera likely wouldn't be able to work using an aftermarket USB cable. Turns out, On the ASIAIR+, it was the USB 3.0 slots that regularly have issues with data transfer when dealing with large amounts of data (like a 60mb RAW file. Switching to a USB-C to USB-A cable into one of the USB 2.0 ports helped resolve this, but sending a 60mb RAW file after every exposure over USB 2.0 meant that i got fewer frames out of my imaging time when compared to using a dedicated astro-camera.

65,000 stars on PA sounds like a lot. Might make the plate solve more difficult for the ASIAIR. Unsure though. How long are you exposing for PA?

Hope some of this info helps, but in the end, my solution was to just buy a 533mc pro. Really glad I did. Everything works nearly flawlessly now.
messierman3000 4.20
·  1 like
David Foust:
65,000 stars on PA sounds like a lot. Might make the plate solve more difficult for the ASIAIR. Unsure though. How long are you exposing for PA?

It was 1 second
daveshow07 0.00
David Foust:
65,000 stars on PA sounds like a lot. Might make the plate solve more difficult for the ASIAIR. Unsure though. How long are you exposing for PA?

It was 1 second

Ah ok. Interesting. I don't recall usually having that many when I PA, but perhaps you have darker skies (which, when paired with a wider FOV will give you quite a few more stars than I'm getting I'm sure.) What ISO? 800 or 1600? The ASIAIR only needs about 50-60 stars to plate solve during PA... though more than that is probably better.

If I get some time, I can look at my EOS R and see what settings I have on it that I recall seemed to be helpful.
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messierman3000 4.20
David Foust:
David Foust:
65,000 stars on PA sounds like a lot. Might make the plate solve more difficult for the ASIAIR. Unsure though. How long are you exposing for PA?

It was 1 second

Ah ok. Interesting. I don't recall usually having that many when I PA, but perhaps you have darker skies (which, when paired with a wider FOV will give you quite a few more stars than I'm getting I'm sure.) What ISO? 800 or 1600? The ASIAIR only needs about 50-60 stars to plate solve during PA... though more than that is probably better.

If I get some time, I can look at my EOS R and see what settings I have on it that I recall seemed to be helpful.

No, I don't have dark skies, especially not that night; It was nearly a full moon. The ISO, I think, was down to 100 or a low number like that. Maybe a ASI533MC Pro is the solution. If this is sensor-resolution-related then there is nothing I can do about my R5; in the R5 menu there is no way to lower pixel resolution when in RAW or cRAW format.
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TStew 0.00
·  1 like
Did you check to make sure you don't have your Canon set to also save a JPG? If its set to RAW+JPG it will do the exposure fail, it has some issue with the camera saving a JPG, at least with the Canon cams I have tried.

Additionally, the Air has had issues with dual card slot cameras like my Canon 7DII. I see the R5 is a dual card camera also, and I am not sure if it suffers from this issue or not. I don't believe it was officially every mentioned, but I would get exposure fail on my 7DII attempting to use the SD card. To finally get it to work I had to use the old school compact flash card and set it to that.

So make sure your camera is set to RAW only, no JPG, and experiment between which card slot it is using, you may find only one will work. 65000 stars sounds like it glitched out. If you were getting exposure fails and such, probably a corrupt file and just reading noise, I doubt its a valid exposure with 65,000 stars.

After a while I don't even save to the camera anymore, just use the FITs files on the Air. I'm not sure if that might get around the issues above as well. There is no advantage I am aware of to saving on the camera and its extra read/write cycles on the card.

Good luck!
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Natclanwy 0.00
·  1 like
I have a R5 as well but I have ASIAIR Plus, but haven’t had any issues with it. Try using 5ghz, for your connection, transferring R5 files took forever on 2.4ghz and had several failures. I think mainly due to the high congestion of 2.4ghz signals near my house. I have not tried saving images to the camera so maybe there is a difference there as well. I just let the ASIAIR save the fits files rather than duplicate the images plus raw doesn’t contain as much info as the fits files so I’d rather stack those. 

65000 stars indicates something abnormal, on a 2 second exposure at iso800 with a 200mm lens I typically get 250-450 stars during PA in a bortle 4/5 area. Unless you are using a very fast wide angle lens 65000 seems way too high. Try using preview mode and make sure you are able to get a picture with in focus stars before attempting PA.
messierman3000 4.20
@TStew@John Stephens Thanks both. I will try all that you are saying.
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